Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Emerson!

We had a great Christmas at home this year. Susu spent the night and when the kids woke up we opened all the presents under the tree. Santa even forgot a couple of things but with his special magic they magically appeared under the tree at 10 a.m.!! It is amazing how efficient Santa can be sometimes. Delaney's favorite gifts were her idog, rollerblades and new razor scooter! Grayson's favorite gifts were Bendaroos, Swim to me puppy, a bike and her princess lamp. Emmy's favorite gifts were her dancing baby doll and a dollhouse with furniture that is taller than she is.

Emerson had a great 3rd birthday as well. We picked up Nana (Diana) and came home to show her the house. We met Susu, Grandaddy and Granny Melissa at Chuck E. Cheese and played for 2 1/2 hours and it was the first time that I have ever been to Chuck E. Cheese and it HASN'T been crowded!! We came back to the house for cake and presents. Emmy requested a Star Wars Clone Wars birthday so I came up with a cake for that which was pretty good!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Delaney's choir concert

Delaney had her first choir concert last night at school. She was amazing!! The kids sang about 5 songs and really impressed the audience. She has a choir field trip today where they are going to a nursing home and singing for the elderly and then off to spend the rest of the time bowling. Emmy and Grayson really enjoyed hearing their sister sing and was impressed that she stood up on the stage to do it!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Tuna Fish........

Grayson and Delaney were both at school this morning and Ryan asked what we wanted for lunch. Emmy said, "I want tuna fish daddy." Why she all of a sudden had this fascination with having to have tuna fish is beyond me but Ryan made some tuna fish and we sat down to eat and she opened her bread up and ate the tuna fish.

I picked Grayson up from preschool and Delaney had early release today at 12:45 so I then picked her up. It is really cold here today but the sun is out at least. Emmy is taking a nap while the other two are playing outside (all bundled up!!) with a couple of girls from down the street. I still have not done any Christmas shopping at all! Ryan and I are going to have to pick a day when someone can watch the kids so we can get it done. Last year was the last year that I could take Emmy with me to get gifts. And I still have to get Emerson's birthday gifts as well!!!

Monday, December 07, 2009

I have been a BAD blogger!!

I haven't updated this blog in so long but I am back!! I am going to try and be more diligent about updates on us and the girls.

WE are finally in our new home and love it so much! The kids seem to enjoy more space to themselves too. They each have their own room but still insist on sleeping all together in one bed! Maybe by the time they are sixteen they will move on to seperate beds but as long as they are close and comfortable then that makes me happy.

Delaney LOVES her new school and teachers. They have really helped her along and she has adapted very well with new friends. The boy next door, Zach, is in her class as well. She is in choir and even has her first choir concert tonight. She is so excited that we all, including grandparents, will be there to watch.

Grayson is in preschool as well. School really is her thing and she loves expanding her vocabulary. She only goes half days on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's and Emmy sure does miss her when she is gone. Wait until next year when Grayson and Delaney are in school all day! It will be time to start Emmy in preschool! Wow how the time flies and the kids grow!

We have the house all decorated for Christmas and hopefully the Christmas cards will arrive this week so I can get those sent out! The kids awoke to snow for the first time last week. Grayson had to make a snowball and was disappointed when she came home from school and the snow was all gone. It has been cold here but sure is nice when it is cold and Christmas time. I have had the fireplace going to keep my toes warm!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I haven't posted anything in such a long time but I have a good excuse!!! We finally are selling our home in Florida and are able to move back to Texas!! When I was little I thought being a realtor would be really cool. I mean you get to look inside all these houses and being the nosy snoop I am that is quite inticing! WRONG, being a realtor is alot more work than just looking at houses!! I don't think you could pay me to be a realtor now! We spent a week looking around and see what we could afford and finally we found the perfect house for us. The best part is that it is move in ready. We love the paint in the whole house and the kids rooms are marvelous. The extra special touches are just an added bonus. The backyard is a bit smaller but we look at it as the kids are growing up fast and the need for some elaborate swing set just does not entice us anymore. It is a good yard for kicking the ball around and playing hide and go seek which is most likely what the kids play these days anyway. Now the real work begins. We go back to Florida next Tuesday (21st) and we have about a week to get everything else packed up. The moving company will be loading our stuff up on the 28th and as soon as it is loaded we will be heading out to Tallahassee for one last goodbye and spending the night there. The next day we will be making our next stop in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and then driving into town on the 30th. The homeowner's have until the 3rd to be out but we will sign our closing papers on the 31st of July. Next week is going to be a long but fast week! With all the things I have to cut off and change and pack it will be hectic! But the end result is something we have wanted for the past 2 1/2 years, selling our house in FL. We will miss friends very much but will open up a new chapter in our lives and be closer to family which is what I have missed for quite awile!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Summer vacation is finally here!

School is out and the kids are home! I have been busy trying to find creative things for them to do this summer and have run across a few. We did managed to try one idea today and it was fabulous. Over here at the movies they have summer movie camp on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. They replay older kid movies and for $3 a person you get the movie, drink and popcorn. As long as I give the kids their popcorn when the movie starts they seem to have something to look forward to. We saw Alvin and the Chipmunks today and I was surprised at how well Emerson did. Now I can put it on my list of summer activities! The best part is they also have this out in Dallas so can continue taking the girls when we are out there for summer vacation.

I got a new cabinet for the toys in Emerson's room

Delaney starts the new session of gymnastics this afternoon and is looking forward to it. We took Grayson out for summer session since Delaney actually won a free summer session and we were going to be gone for half of it anyway! Grayson will start back up the end of August when school starts.

We are super excited that we have Nana coming this Thursday and she is staying until Sunday. The girls have not seen her in quite awhile so it will be a nice treat. I think Ryan is going to try and grill out while they are here so it should make our week go by a little faster.

So next week (June 15) Grayson starts swim lessons and is really looking forward to them. She goes Monday thru Thursday from 6-6:45 for mommy and me classes. It is the same place Delaney took swim lessons when she was 5 and is only $35 for the eight classes!! I wanted her to take swim lessons this year since we will be in my mom's pool on vacation. They didn't have any classes for Emmy so she can take them next year.

My mom also arrives late next Friday night. The kids are so anxious to see her since her prior trip was cancelled due to her kidney stone! Now that we have that one out of the way we are planning on spending some really fun time with her and then a couple weeks after she leaves we will be out there to visit her and Granny Melissa and Grandaddy!

Friday, May 29, 2009

School is Ending!

Thursday was a very sad day as Grayson graduated from Junior PreK at Starchild Academy. She had the best teacher, Miss Kim. She learned so much during the last year. She knows her alphabet, all her numbers and about 12 sight words! She also knows her ABC's in Spanish and a Japanese song to which I have no clue what she is saying! Maybe she will become a world traveler. As we were walking in Sam's today she was singing the alphabet song in Spanish and I just laughed. Delaney has one more week of school and she is excited that there is no more homework. I purchased our airline tickets out to Dallas today so I have that off my list! Now to get my mom out here for her visit! I think I got her to narrow her dates down so now all she needs is a ticket! We will be out in Dallas from July 7-August 19. A nice long visit so there is no running around trying to get everything we enjoy doing and seeing in just a couple of weeks. The plan is for Ryan to come out during that time too for a short visit and hopefully we can get him down to Victoria to see my family this year! I really hopes this works out. School starts back up the end of August and Delaney will be in 4th grade and Grayson will start Ladybird Academy in their FREE VPK.(Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten)

Grayson's cubby

Grayson and Robert

Grayson starts swim lessons the middle of June so we have that and Delaney's gymnastics on our agenda!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Grayson's 4th Birthday Party at The Little Gym

Wow what a great day we had today! Grayson's birthday is not until Tuesday but we had her party today at The Little Gym! She danced, ran, twirled, tumbled, hung on the bars and did somersaults on the beam! She had about 10 friends come celebrate with her. Miss Melissa and Miss Danielle did an awesome job leading the party and all the kids. Aunt Hope made a wonderful barbie birthday cake which was requested by Grayson and she had to have pink icing!! We ate cake after all the tumbling was over and took the gifts home for her to open. It is hard to believe that she is 4 years old! She has been in preschool for a year now and has an inquisitive mind. She asks many questions and likes to figure out how things work.
Grayson and her Barbie cake

Grayson and Mikayla hanging around like a couple of monkey's!

Delaney, Grayson and Emerson

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What a week!

We have GREAT news, Delaney passed the FCAT!!! So as far as we can tell there is no summer school for her and she goes on to 4th grade!! We are super excited. Her teacher called up the kids one by one and told them if they passed or not! What a weight that has been lifted off our shoulders. So as soon as I confirm all of the results I can book our Dallas trip for this summer.

In other news soccer is now over for the season. Delaney's team, the Red Bulls, went undefeated this season and were only scored on 3 times the entire time! We had a nice soccer party on Tuesday night and each child got their trophy and plenty of pizza and games to play at Kidtropolis. Grayson got her trophy after her last game on Saturday and proudly carries it around with her.

We can't wait for my mom to get here this weekend. She comes in on Saturday and will be here until Thursday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can take Grayson to DisneyWorld on her birthday which is Tuesday! You get in free on your birthday and Emerson is still free so that is so much cheaper when you have two kids you don't have to pay for. Grayson's birthday party is on Sunday at The Little Gym and since it is Memorial Day weekend we probably won't have much of a turnout but then again we will have the whole gym to ourself!!!! Maybe the weather will hold off and we can make it to the beach with my mom too!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

We had a great day today! We took the girls to New Smyrna Beach which is about 30 minutes from the house. We got the car parked, all the stuff out and unbuckled the kids when I realized we left all blankets and towels AT HOME!!! So we found a souvenier shop and I ended up buying $50 in beach towels!! The worst part of it all is that I just bought 5 new beach towels for the beach yesterday!! I guess we have new beach towels for the year now! Anyway we finally made it down to the beach, stuck our umbrella in the ground and let the kids go. Emmy does not like the water but loved the sand this time! Delaney is like a fish and couldn't wait to get in the surf and Grayson gladly followed behind. The kids played hard and made lots of sand castles. It was a perfect day for the beach and we must do this more often.

When we got home we all took showers and cleaned up then went to Joe's Crab Shack for a Mother's Day dinner. I figured since we were going with a beach theme what a better place to get some crab! It was delicious and the kids got to play on their playground while we enjoyed our dinner! So after a busy weekend of soccer games on Saturday and the beach today we are whipped! Hopefully the kids will sleep as hard tonight as they did in the car on the way back home from the beach!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Wow what a weekend!

We had a fun and busy weekend, AGAIN! Friday night we started out with Delaney's soccer practice then headed over to Hope and Tim's house for movie night in the backyard! Hope set up this awesome screen and had the projector out and we decided on the movie Bolt! The kids loved the movie and sat through more of it this time. We decided to have all the kids bring their lunch boxes and we packed PB&J's, chips and juice boxes for them to munch on during the movie and it worked out well.

Saturday morning we headed over to Grayson's soccer game and she did fabulous! She even played goalie but I am not so sure that is the best position for her! She had a hard time focusing on where the ball was! I think she is a true runner like Delaney. She had a great time and even saved a goal!!! After Grayson's soccer game we headed to lunch at Moe's and had burritos and quesadillas. We then headed home to grab Ryan's car since he was going to meet the boys after the game down at the NFL draft. Delaney had a great game and it sure was HOT!! She had two shots on goal but they didn't go in! Next time maybe. Ryan and I went our seperate ways after the game and me and the girls headed home. Later in the afternoon we decided to make hamburgers and curly fries for dinner so we headed to the grocery store. At the store I found that Pepperidge Farms make wheat mini slider hamburger buns so we decided to make mini sliders for dinner with our curly fries. We also got stuff for ice cream sundaes for dessert! So when we got home the kids were playing outside and I made dinner and we sat down to eat. I figured I would hold off on dessert until bath time becasue I knew Grayson and Emmy would be covered in chocolate ice cream. We weren't expecting Ryan until later but the draft didn't take nearly as long as he thought so he made it home in time for sundaes!

Monday, April 20, 2009

This Weekend

Well we made it through the weekend! On Saturday we had two soccer games. I thought Grayson's started at 10:30 but when we got there at 10:35 the kids were already playing! I assumed we just missed the first 5 minutes but when the game ended at 11:00 I knew that we were suppose to be there at 10!! Oh well she is only 3 and won't care for now! Delaney's game wasn't until 1:30 but we were having soccer team and individual pictures taken beforehand so we had plenty of time to grab some lunch in between games. We ended up eating barbeque that was so good. We ran into Target to grab Delaney some new socks and then headed off to her soccer game. She had a really good game and the team won 2-0!!! Go Red Bulls! After soccer we came home and I had this brilliant idea to wash the van! Now I was already sunburned but figured what the heck my van is filthy! So I got the girls all in their swimsuits and we headed outside to wash the car when I realized I didn't have a spray nozzle for the hose! So I sent all the girls back inside while I ran down to Walgreens (thank goodness there is one in front of the neighborhood now) and picked one up! I got home and the girls had a blast washing the car and playing with the hose!

On Sunday we went to eat Mexican food and then over to SuperTarget to grab a few things. While we were there I saw that they had the booster seat I wanted to get for Grayson on sale for $10 off the regular price! I took that as a sign that I needed to get it for her instead of waiting until her birthday! All she wanted was a pink seat and that is what she got! She loves her big girl car seat now!

I have been worrying about the free VPK(voluntary pre kindergarten) stuff for Grayson next year. I knew her current preschool didn't offere VPK so we were just going to pay to keep her there since she loves it and has learned so much. Well when I talked to the director they weren't sure if they were going to do a part time program next fall so that left me in a quandry! All the good places were going, going gone! So I found Ladybird Academy and we have friend's that have two son's there (Oskar and Ben) and more friends that their son went there for VPK and just loved it. So I called this morning and they had two spots left so we immediatly got in the car and went and filled out all the forms!! I am so excited that she will be going there when school starts August 24!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nicholas and Grayson

We had a great day at soccer today! Delaney's team, the Red Bulls, won the game 7-0!! Laney had an assist while Chris kicked the ball into the goal! Go Delaney!Emerson

In other news, I took the girls to see the Easter bunny last week and got some phenomenal pictures! There are so many I am really going to have a lot of scrapbooking on my hands!


We also had a week of sickness in the house! First Grayson got sick on Tuesday and Ryan stayed home with her while me and my girlfriends went to paint pottery down in Winter Park. Then on Thursday after I took Delaney and Emmy to the zoo (Grayson was at preschool.) As we were finishing the zoo I was feeling sick so we went home when I called Ryan to come home because I couldn't make it to go get Grayson and take her to gymnastics! I was sick ALL day Thursday and woke up Friday morning feeling fine! Now I am afraid Ryan has a touch of it!

Even though tomorrow is Easter I still have to fill the Easter baskets with goodies and stuff the eggs full of candy! The girls are really looking forward to hunting for the eggs in the morning! Happy Easter to all!

Monday, April 06, 2009

Ok let's see if I can get back to the blogging! Ever since I discovered Facebook I have put the blog on the back burner! I will post some recent random pics of the girls too!

Delaney is on spring break this week so I have been trying to come up with ideas to keep us busy and from me going crazy! The good thing is that Grayson has preschool on Tuesday and Thursday so we can have a bit more one on one time, although if you include Emmy I guess it would be one on two time! Anyway I made up a list of things to do and we will see how many of them I actually get to!

Delaney had a sleepover with Isabella last night and Hope took the girls to get their nails done while Nicholas was at preschool! I know I will hear all about it when she gets home. She always has a good time when she goes over there and I think it is partly due to having a break from her sisters!

We have Easter coming up and I still have not gotten Easter pictures taken! It is on my to do list this week and HAVE to make time to drive all the way down to Mall at Millenia and have the pics made! They are about the only place I go for Easter pics since they do candids and black and whites and I can pay for the cd and print which ever pictures I want out!

Grayson and Delaney started soccer a few weeks ago and they are both loving it! Grayson's team in the United while Delaney is still on the Red Bulls which Ryan helps coach!