Thursday, May 21, 2009

What a week!

We have GREAT news, Delaney passed the FCAT!!! So as far as we can tell there is no summer school for her and she goes on to 4th grade!! We are super excited. Her teacher called up the kids one by one and told them if they passed or not! What a weight that has been lifted off our shoulders. So as soon as I confirm all of the results I can book our Dallas trip for this summer.

In other news soccer is now over for the season. Delaney's team, the Red Bulls, went undefeated this season and were only scored on 3 times the entire time! We had a nice soccer party on Tuesday night and each child got their trophy and plenty of pizza and games to play at Kidtropolis. Grayson got her trophy after her last game on Saturday and proudly carries it around with her.

We can't wait for my mom to get here this weekend. She comes in on Saturday and will be here until Thursday. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can take Grayson to DisneyWorld on her birthday which is Tuesday! You get in free on your birthday and Emerson is still free so that is so much cheaper when you have two kids you don't have to pay for. Grayson's birthday party is on Sunday at The Little Gym and since it is Memorial Day weekend we probably won't have much of a turnout but then again we will have the whole gym to ourself!!!! Maybe the weather will hold off and we can make it to the beach with my mom too!

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