Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

We had a great day today! We took the girls to New Smyrna Beach which is about 30 minutes from the house. We got the car parked, all the stuff out and unbuckled the kids when I realized we left all blankets and towels AT HOME!!! So we found a souvenier shop and I ended up buying $50 in beach towels!! The worst part of it all is that I just bought 5 new beach towels for the beach yesterday!! I guess we have new beach towels for the year now! Anyway we finally made it down to the beach, stuck our umbrella in the ground and let the kids go. Emmy does not like the water but loved the sand this time! Delaney is like a fish and couldn't wait to get in the surf and Grayson gladly followed behind. The kids played hard and made lots of sand castles. It was a perfect day for the beach and we must do this more often.

When we got home we all took showers and cleaned up then went to Joe's Crab Shack for a Mother's Day dinner. I figured since we were going with a beach theme what a better place to get some crab! It was delicious and the kids got to play on their playground while we enjoyed our dinner! So after a busy weekend of soccer games on Saturday and the beach today we are whipped! Hopefully the kids will sleep as hard tonight as they did in the car on the way back home from the beach!

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