Sunday, May 24, 2009

Grayson's 4th Birthday Party at The Little Gym

Wow what a great day we had today! Grayson's birthday is not until Tuesday but we had her party today at The Little Gym! She danced, ran, twirled, tumbled, hung on the bars and did somersaults on the beam! She had about 10 friends come celebrate with her. Miss Melissa and Miss Danielle did an awesome job leading the party and all the kids. Aunt Hope made a wonderful barbie birthday cake which was requested by Grayson and she had to have pink icing!! We ate cake after all the tumbling was over and took the gifts home for her to open. It is hard to believe that she is 4 years old! She has been in preschool for a year now and has an inquisitive mind. She asks many questions and likes to figure out how things work.
Grayson and her Barbie cake

Grayson and Mikayla hanging around like a couple of monkey's!

Delaney, Grayson and Emerson

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