Friday, May 29, 2009

School is Ending!

Thursday was a very sad day as Grayson graduated from Junior PreK at Starchild Academy. She had the best teacher, Miss Kim. She learned so much during the last year. She knows her alphabet, all her numbers and about 12 sight words! She also knows her ABC's in Spanish and a Japanese song to which I have no clue what she is saying! Maybe she will become a world traveler. As we were walking in Sam's today she was singing the alphabet song in Spanish and I just laughed. Delaney has one more week of school and she is excited that there is no more homework. I purchased our airline tickets out to Dallas today so I have that off my list! Now to get my mom out here for her visit! I think I got her to narrow her dates down so now all she needs is a ticket! We will be out in Dallas from July 7-August 19. A nice long visit so there is no running around trying to get everything we enjoy doing and seeing in just a couple of weeks. The plan is for Ryan to come out during that time too for a short visit and hopefully we can get him down to Victoria to see my family this year! I really hopes this works out. School starts back up the end of August and Delaney will be in 4th grade and Grayson will start Ladybird Academy in their FREE VPK.(Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten)

Grayson's cubby

Grayson and Robert

Grayson starts swim lessons the middle of June so we have that and Delaney's gymnastics on our agenda!

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