Monday, April 20, 2009

This Weekend

Well we made it through the weekend! On Saturday we had two soccer games. I thought Grayson's started at 10:30 but when we got there at 10:35 the kids were already playing! I assumed we just missed the first 5 minutes but when the game ended at 11:00 I knew that we were suppose to be there at 10!! Oh well she is only 3 and won't care for now! Delaney's game wasn't until 1:30 but we were having soccer team and individual pictures taken beforehand so we had plenty of time to grab some lunch in between games. We ended up eating barbeque that was so good. We ran into Target to grab Delaney some new socks and then headed off to her soccer game. She had a really good game and the team won 2-0!!! Go Red Bulls! After soccer we came home and I had this brilliant idea to wash the van! Now I was already sunburned but figured what the heck my van is filthy! So I got the girls all in their swimsuits and we headed outside to wash the car when I realized I didn't have a spray nozzle for the hose! So I sent all the girls back inside while I ran down to Walgreens (thank goodness there is one in front of the neighborhood now) and picked one up! I got home and the girls had a blast washing the car and playing with the hose!

On Sunday we went to eat Mexican food and then over to SuperTarget to grab a few things. While we were there I saw that they had the booster seat I wanted to get for Grayson on sale for $10 off the regular price! I took that as a sign that I needed to get it for her instead of waiting until her birthday! All she wanted was a pink seat and that is what she got! She loves her big girl car seat now!

I have been worrying about the free VPK(voluntary pre kindergarten) stuff for Grayson next year. I knew her current preschool didn't offere VPK so we were just going to pay to keep her there since she loves it and has learned so much. Well when I talked to the director they weren't sure if they were going to do a part time program next fall so that left me in a quandry! All the good places were going, going gone! So I found Ladybird Academy and we have friend's that have two son's there (Oskar and Ben) and more friends that their son went there for VPK and just loved it. So I called this morning and they had two spots left so we immediatly got in the car and went and filled out all the forms!! I am so excited that she will be going there when school starts August 24!!

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