Monday, April 06, 2009

Ok let's see if I can get back to the blogging! Ever since I discovered Facebook I have put the blog on the back burner! I will post some recent random pics of the girls too!

Delaney is on spring break this week so I have been trying to come up with ideas to keep us busy and from me going crazy! The good thing is that Grayson has preschool on Tuesday and Thursday so we can have a bit more one on one time, although if you include Emmy I guess it would be one on two time! Anyway I made up a list of things to do and we will see how many of them I actually get to!

Delaney had a sleepover with Isabella last night and Hope took the girls to get their nails done while Nicholas was at preschool! I know I will hear all about it when she gets home. She always has a good time when she goes over there and I think it is partly due to having a break from her sisters!

We have Easter coming up and I still have not gotten Easter pictures taken! It is on my to do list this week and HAVE to make time to drive all the way down to Mall at Millenia and have the pics made! They are about the only place I go for Easter pics since they do candids and black and whites and I can pay for the cd and print which ever pictures I want out!

Grayson and Delaney started soccer a few weeks ago and they are both loving it! Grayson's team in the United while Delaney is still on the Red Bulls which Ryan helps coach!

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