Saturday, April 11, 2009

Nicholas and Grayson

We had a great day at soccer today! Delaney's team, the Red Bulls, won the game 7-0!! Laney had an assist while Chris kicked the ball into the goal! Go Delaney!Emerson

In other news, I took the girls to see the Easter bunny last week and got some phenomenal pictures! There are so many I am really going to have a lot of scrapbooking on my hands!


We also had a week of sickness in the house! First Grayson got sick on Tuesday and Ryan stayed home with her while me and my girlfriends went to paint pottery down in Winter Park. Then on Thursday after I took Delaney and Emmy to the zoo (Grayson was at preschool.) As we were finishing the zoo I was feeling sick so we went home when I called Ryan to come home because I couldn't make it to go get Grayson and take her to gymnastics! I was sick ALL day Thursday and woke up Friday morning feeling fine! Now I am afraid Ryan has a touch of it!

Even though tomorrow is Easter I still have to fill the Easter baskets with goodies and stuff the eggs full of candy! The girls are really looking forward to hunting for the eggs in the morning! Happy Easter to all!

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