Monday, August 18, 2008

The first day of school!!

Delaney began 3rd grade today!! Grayson is suppose to start Starchild Academy tomorrow but we are waiting to see what Tropical Storm Fay does! Delaney was up early and ready to go to school about 45 minutes before it was time to leave! She is really excited to see her friends and get settled into third grade. I think she has a really good teacher this year. She is about me and Ryan's age and get this she is due with her second baby on September 3!!! So she will be out for 6 weeks and then back to teaching!
Yesterday we took the girls' for haircuts! It was Emmy's first haircut and she sat so nicely and she looks so much better! I got a picture from Cool Cuts for Kids with some of her hair!! Now I have a scrapbook page to create!!! She looks more even now with her hair done! Grayson also got her haircut and we just trimmed it up a bit! She is going to look like such a big girl for preschool!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

JUNE 3, 2008

Happy 13th Anniversary Ryan!!!

We are super excited to go out on a date tonight!!! We are going to eat at Season's 52 and then see the new Indiana Jones movie!! Can you believe we are actually going to see a movie that just came out, shocks the heck out of me!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Grayson!!

Today Grayson turns 3! We spent the day at downtown Disney where we had McDonald's for lunch, a train ride, carousel ride and then chocolate ice cream sundaes at Ghiradelli's soda fountain!! She opened her presents this morning and enjoyed every minute of it! The only way I could get her in the bath tub this morning, (since she fell asleep before bath time last night), was to bribe her with hurrying to get her hair washed so we could go ride the train!!

After coming home she opened up her new toys and immediately started playing with all of them!
Happy3rd birthday my beautiful girl!! I love you with all my heart and then some!

Monday, April 21, 2008


It has been a crazy couple of weeks around here and it only seems like it is going to get busier! We went to Tallahassee a couple of weeks ago for the FSU spring football game. It was very fun since it was a night game and we didn't have to bake in the heat!! Emmy loved listening and dancing to the band, Grayson enjoyed watching the horse and Laney loved the cheerleaders!

Yesterday Hope and I decided that we would scrapbook and have the day to ourselves! Angel and Sydeana made it over too and we chit chatted the afternoon away and I actually got some scrapbook pages accomplished! We came back over to our house and the daddy's had dinner and dessert going! Our annual Cinco de Mayo party is coming up and Ryan tried out one of his new recipes (which is a big hit!!) and I think Hope may of found a new dessert recipe as well!!

Delaney had her soccer game on Saturday and I got my haircut too! I really need to get the girls in for haircuts but it seems like I always run out of time! I am trying to coordinate our summer trip out to Dallas but I am waiting for a sale or prices to come down a bit! Ryan will be traveling to Dallas next week and then comes home for the weekend and then heads down to the Orlando Convention Center for a few days for work!! So we won't see very much of him after this week! Delaney gets out of school June 6 so she is excited to go see her grandparents and most of all SWIM!!!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Since Delaney has been off from school this week for spring break we have been busy doing some fun things together! Yesterday we met up with Bella and Nick at the Splash Park here in Lake Mary! Now I have to tell you this is the best place!! Not only is the Splash part of the park enclosed with a child safety gate but there is also a playground and a nice covered picnic area!! The best part is that right now since it is brand new it is FREE!! Now I am sure there will someday be a charge but hey just to get their energy out is worth it! Today we went to the store and then decided to take Ryan some lunch, ala Chick Fil A!! We came home and ate our lunch and then we made some chocolate chip cookies from scratch! The kids had a great time and Grayson has sugar everywhere but you can't expect a clean kitchen when you are making cookies with three kids! So I got the cookies in the oven and then managed to clean the kitchen up! Delaney has soccer practice tonight so as long as the storms hold off that is where she will be off to! Ryan is back from Vancouver and I will post some of the pictures he took there as well! He met up with Dave Cartwright while in Vancouver and they enjoyed a nice chilly day together seeing some of the sites and I am sure that meant endulging in a beer or two also!

Isabella and Nicholas enjoying the Splash Park!!

Also in big news, I have taken the diapers away from Grayson. When she asked me for a diaper a couple of weeks ago it was then and there that I decided that when Ryan went out of town last week the diapers were going too! So she has been in panties ever since! No accidents at night and only a few during the day when she gets too preoccupied playing! What a big girl she is now! I was determined that she would be in panties by the time she was three! One more check off my list!

Here are a few pictures Ryan took in Vancouver last week!

Here is Dave Cartwright posing nicely for a picture!!! Thanks Dave!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I took the girls to see the Easter bunny this week! Now last year Grayson freaked out when she saw the bunny and in true form when she saw him again this year she freaked out again! So I didn't make her sit with him and so we moved on to the candid pictures which always turn out so well!! But in order for us to get the candid pictures taken we had to walk in front of the bunny which Grayson was having nothing to do with! So like a determined mommy I dragged her over to where the other pictures were being taken. I got Laney to get her pictures done and soon Emmy joined her for pictures as well. Soon after Grayson decided that if her sisters could play with the bunnies and butterflies that she wanted to try it too! So we got her to join in and I got my Grayson pictures!! I even got a pretty good picture of the three of them together!! After a drink and a cookie we headed back home!


Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Wow how time has gone by!! Yesterday we put new wood floors in the living/dining room plus the hallway!! They are absolutely gorgeous!! In the end we spent more than we had intended but I think it was worthwhile, especially if it gets the house sold faster!!!

Last Friday night the Dady's came over and Hope and I gave the girls manicures and pedicures! They got their fingers and toes painted while Nicholas stood by and watched. He was tempted to put his feet in the foot bath but decided at the last minute not to! We had a blast!

Delaney has soccer practice tonight and they won their game last Saturday. We had a cold front move through and the wind was very strong. In fact when we got home the for sale sign had completely ripped off of where it was hanging! Ryan is back in town from Washington D.C. and heads out to Vancouver on Easter Sunday for a week! Then we have Delaney's spring break to look forward to the first week of April! The weeks are starting to go by fast and I think Delaney is counting the days until school ends!

Friday, February 15, 2008


Wow have we had a busy week!!! First off Delaney has glasses!! Her teacher wrote in her planner that she was having trouble seeing the back of the classroom so I got her an eye appointment the next day (Tuesday) and the optometrist said she has 20/20 vision but she has a little bit of near sightedness. She was thrilled she got to pick out some glasses and they are too cute on her! We got to pick them up yesterday after school! They are Disney princess glasses with purple sparkles on the sides!

Also we decided to get some new furniture!! Sam's has two leather couches that we both fell in love with and we decided the time was right to get them. We keep living in this world of we can just wait until we move but I think we are over that now and wanted to spruce the place up a little! We also got a new mattress and boxsprings and I have to tell you we slept much better last night! It is amazing how much better this mattress is! This is our first bed that we have picked out together in the 12 1/2 years that we have been married! Now you can tell how old our other mattress really was! Anyhow it was a great Valentine's Day with the delivery of a new mattress and some new furniture! Now let's just get the house sold and I will be one very happy camper!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Well the week is coming to an end. On Wednesday night Hope, Maria and I took our daughters to see Hannah Montana in 3-D at the movies. The girls had a blast dancing in their seats trying to grab what was 3-D in front of them. It was a nice girls night out and fun getting to doing something with Delaney without her sisters. I forgot to report about Ryan's birthday too. On his birthday (Feb. 1) we took him to dinner and came home and had cake that he had requested. That afternoon I gave him his gift, a gift package to Massage Envy for 3 massages. And I also booked his first session on Saturday morning so he was really anticipating that. He had a great time by the way! That night Kay came over and watched the girls while we went to dinner and a movie. I couldn't get a reservation at Seasons 52 and the line was too long so we ended up eating someplace else! We saw Cloverfield and I would highly recommend it!!

This is the cake Hope got for Ryan for his birthday!!

This weekend we are hoping to get the yard done, fix our kitchen faucet and try to find a new mattress for our bed. Those who know just how poor shape our mattress is in will understand how badly we need a new one!!!! Ryan is suppose to be working a 1/2 day today and then come home and steam clean the carpets so keep your fingers crossed that this weekend goes by smoothly!!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Not too much has been going on this week. I do have to report that Emmy is trying to say some words. She will say thank you now and has mama and dada down well. She also will wave goodbye when she hears the word bye bye. Just like the other two she likes to climb. She can now climb up on the couch with no help and if a dining room or kitchen chair is not pushed in she sees it as an open invitation to climb up to the table!!! My computer chair is also fair game to her too. We have Delaney's old mattress in the computer room since the girls have bunk beds now and she figured out she can climb on top of the mattress, step onto the window ledge to get on top of the computer desk!! What can I say she is a little monkey! I also trimmed her bangs!! I was bound and determined to have one of my children have bangs and she is it! I was tired of all the littl wispies getting in her eyes so I just got the scissors out and had Ryan hold her while I tried to cut in a straight line!! I guess next time I will wait until she is asleep but it doesn't look bad!! I don't really have too many new pictures to put up right now so I will dig through my pictures and find some of my favorites! The first picture is me and Grayson when she is just 30 minutes old!!
Isabella and Delaney together. May 7, 2007

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Well it has been a crazy day around here. Ryan and I decided to get the girls bunk beds from Ikea. So this afternoon we took two cars, and yes we measured to make sure we had enough room, and got the bunk bed and mattresses! Of course it started raining during all of this but we made it home all in one piece. Once we got home we unpacked the two boxes and broke down Delaney's full size bed. Then I ran to Target and found the girls the cutest bedding and they even had this huge rug on clearance that went perfect with the bedding! So after I got home we managed to get the bunk bed put together but during the middle of the process our realtor called and had set a showing up anywhere from 5:30 until 6 p.m. and of course it was 4:45 p.m. One great thing about Ikea furniture is that it doesn't take long to get put together and we were out of here in time to go grab some dinner! Now just pray that we get an offer!! Here are some pictures of the girls new room!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Well it is Wednesday night and I am trying to stay true to my word and update the blog.

Ryan is in Las Vegas this week and comes home late tomorrow night. Delaney has been getting out of school at 1:00 this week and doesn't have school Friday or Monday! Kids today would never survive the school schedules we had as kids!

The Dady's came over last weekend and Hope and I got to scrapbook a bit which we haven't done is months! It was so much fun to be able to sit down and do something creative again! It is even better that the kids will play while we scrapbook too!!

Emerson had her 12 month checkup last week too. She is now 21 lbs 7 1/2 ounces and is doing great. She had her follow up flu shot and one more immunization and goes back at 15 months for another round of her shots. She is growing very well and tries to say words that Delaney and Grayson say. She copied Grayson the other day when she said "Elmo" and "more." Now when she says more I can understand what she is trying to say while the average person wouldn't have a clue!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Happy New Year everyone!! Another year down and hopefully this one will be better on the moving front! I must be having to test my patience because selling this house is taking forever! The worst part is having to have it clean all the time!! I must be the biggest neat freak around now. We had a great Christmas, wonderful first birthday for Emmy and a great vacation in Dallas on New Year's. While in Dallas we spent time with family and found a few new neighborhoods and builders that we like and have put on our list. Now we just need an offer and then we can seriously look for a new home! While out in Dallas we went out to the Gaylord Texas and walked around and saw all the Christmas decorations. We didn't do ICE this year since we had all the kids in tow and it would of just been too hard. Now that we are back at home we have gymnastics starting for Delaney, potty training for Grayson and Emmy just having a good old time. We also have Ryan's birthday coming up on Feb. 1 and then Delaney's birthday on the 22nd so we are trying to figure out what kind of party she wants to have and where to have it! Here are some pictures of the our trip from Dallas.

Here is Delaney with Granny Melissa at the Gaylord Texas.

Here is my mom and SueSue sitting out by the pool on a nice day!

My grandparents with the girls. It was really nice to see them and be able to visit with them.