Thursday, March 20, 2008


I took the girls to see the Easter bunny this week! Now last year Grayson freaked out when she saw the bunny and in true form when she saw him again this year she freaked out again! So I didn't make her sit with him and so we moved on to the candid pictures which always turn out so well!! But in order for us to get the candid pictures taken we had to walk in front of the bunny which Grayson was having nothing to do with! So like a determined mommy I dragged her over to where the other pictures were being taken. I got Laney to get her pictures done and soon Emmy joined her for pictures as well. Soon after Grayson decided that if her sisters could play with the bunnies and butterflies that she wanted to try it too! So we got her to join in and I got my Grayson pictures!! I even got a pretty good picture of the three of them together!! After a drink and a cookie we headed back home!


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