Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Wow how time has gone by!! Yesterday we put new wood floors in the living/dining room plus the hallway!! They are absolutely gorgeous!! In the end we spent more than we had intended but I think it was worthwhile, especially if it gets the house sold faster!!!

Last Friday night the Dady's came over and Hope and I gave the girls manicures and pedicures! They got their fingers and toes painted while Nicholas stood by and watched. He was tempted to put his feet in the foot bath but decided at the last minute not to! We had a blast!

Delaney has soccer practice tonight and they won their game last Saturday. We had a cold front move through and the wind was very strong. In fact when we got home the for sale sign had completely ripped off of where it was hanging! Ryan is back in town from Washington D.C. and heads out to Vancouver on Easter Sunday for a week! Then we have Delaney's spring break to look forward to the first week of April! The weeks are starting to go by fast and I think Delaney is counting the days until school ends!

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