Friday, February 15, 2008


Wow have we had a busy week!!! First off Delaney has glasses!! Her teacher wrote in her planner that she was having trouble seeing the back of the classroom so I got her an eye appointment the next day (Tuesday) and the optometrist said she has 20/20 vision but she has a little bit of near sightedness. She was thrilled she got to pick out some glasses and they are too cute on her! We got to pick them up yesterday after school! They are Disney princess glasses with purple sparkles on the sides!

Also we decided to get some new furniture!! Sam's has two leather couches that we both fell in love with and we decided the time was right to get them. We keep living in this world of we can just wait until we move but I think we are over that now and wanted to spruce the place up a little! We also got a new mattress and boxsprings and I have to tell you we slept much better last night! It is amazing how much better this mattress is! This is our first bed that we have picked out together in the 12 1/2 years that we have been married! Now you can tell how old our other mattress really was! Anyhow it was a great Valentine's Day with the delivery of a new mattress and some new furniture! Now let's just get the house sold and I will be one very happy camper!

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