Monday, February 04, 2008

Not too much has been going on this week. I do have to report that Emmy is trying to say some words. She will say thank you now and has mama and dada down well. She also will wave goodbye when she hears the word bye bye. Just like the other two she likes to climb. She can now climb up on the couch with no help and if a dining room or kitchen chair is not pushed in she sees it as an open invitation to climb up to the table!!! My computer chair is also fair game to her too. We have Delaney's old mattress in the computer room since the girls have bunk beds now and she figured out she can climb on top of the mattress, step onto the window ledge to get on top of the computer desk!! What can I say she is a little monkey! I also trimmed her bangs!! I was bound and determined to have one of my children have bangs and she is it! I was tired of all the littl wispies getting in her eyes so I just got the scissors out and had Ryan hold her while I tried to cut in a straight line!! I guess next time I will wait until she is asleep but it doesn't look bad!! I don't really have too many new pictures to put up right now so I will dig through my pictures and find some of my favorites! The first picture is me and Grayson when she is just 30 minutes old!!
Isabella and Delaney together. May 7, 2007

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