Saturday, January 26, 2008

Well it has been a crazy day around here. Ryan and I decided to get the girls bunk beds from Ikea. So this afternoon we took two cars, and yes we measured to make sure we had enough room, and got the bunk bed and mattresses! Of course it started raining during all of this but we made it home all in one piece. Once we got home we unpacked the two boxes and broke down Delaney's full size bed. Then I ran to Target and found the girls the cutest bedding and they even had this huge rug on clearance that went perfect with the bedding! So after I got home we managed to get the bunk bed put together but during the middle of the process our realtor called and had set a showing up anywhere from 5:30 until 6 p.m. and of course it was 4:45 p.m. One great thing about Ikea furniture is that it doesn't take long to get put together and we were out of here in time to go grab some dinner! Now just pray that we get an offer!! Here are some pictures of the girls new room!

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