Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Well it is Wednesday night and I am trying to stay true to my word and update the blog.

Ryan is in Las Vegas this week and comes home late tomorrow night. Delaney has been getting out of school at 1:00 this week and doesn't have school Friday or Monday! Kids today would never survive the school schedules we had as kids!

The Dady's came over last weekend and Hope and I got to scrapbook a bit which we haven't done is months! It was so much fun to be able to sit down and do something creative again! It is even better that the kids will play while we scrapbook too!!

Emerson had her 12 month checkup last week too. She is now 21 lbs 7 1/2 ounces and is doing great. She had her follow up flu shot and one more immunization and goes back at 15 months for another round of her shots. She is growing very well and tries to say words that Delaney and Grayson say. She copied Grayson the other day when she said "Elmo" and "more." Now when she says more I can understand what she is trying to say while the average person wouldn't have a clue!

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