Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer is here!
The kids are out of school and summer is finally here. Grayson finished Preschool and is officially in Kindergarten while Delaney completed 4th grade and is now big man on campus as a 5th grader!

We finally got our HOA ID cards so we can use the pool and beach club! We took the kids to the beach club a couple of weeks ago and it was fabulous! The splash park is right next to the pool so we don't even have to get out of the pool when the kids go back and forth from the splash park area!!
Emerson had her first real sickness last week and has recovered. She had strep throat and a high fever that kept coming back when the motrin wore off. Her cough has pretty much subsided and she is back to her normal self! It was scary when the fever kept getting higher and higher and of course all of this happens on the weekend.
Grayson had a birthday and turned 5 years old too! She wanted a Princess and the Frog birthday party and a luau so we just combined both!! We had many friends over to celebrate with us!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bluebonnets Galore!

It is Bluebonnet season and I found a beautiful patch of them to take pictures of Grayson and Emmy.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring is here!!

Finally some warm weather has come our way. Ryan is in Boston this week so me and the girls are holding down the fort. Last week Delaney had a school dance and the theme was "Peace, Love and Bennett." Susu came and stayed with Emmy and Grayson while Ryan and I took Delaney out for some alone time with her at the dance! It was two hours long and I don't think we saw much of Delaney the whole time we were there. Dickey's catered hamburgers and chips with all the fixings and after that Delaney found her friends and danced the night away.
Delaney is loving ice skating lessons as well. Grayson really has an interest so maybe for her birthday she can have skating lessons too.
At Grayson's preschool they are having theme days every Wednesday until the start of summer.
Tomorrow's theme is space so I will have to come up with something for her to wear! With all the stuff around here that shouldn't be to hard to find!
Emmy is loving her new hair cut. We cut it short so she looks a little more balanced out!
Guess that is about all for now. We are looking forward to Easter this weekend and hunting for some Easter eggs.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

So Much Has Been Going On!!!

Here is Grayson for Cowboy Day at Preschool

Delaney smiling pretty!

Little Meme and Grayson enjoying a Barbie movie!

Crazy hat day! Grayson wearing a hot dog hat and Emerson with her race car hat!

Delaney starts ice skating lessons tonight and she is thrilled. She had a great birthday and got her ears pierced as well. She has been very responsible with cleaning them in the morning and before bed. She chose her birthstone, garnet, for her earrings. We had a simple pizza party at the house with her neighborhood friends. It is amazing that she is now 10 years old.

Delaney getting her ears pierced

Delaney after she got her ears pierced!

Ryan has been in Philadelphia for two weeks now. He was suppose to come home last Friday night but he got snowed in and his flight was cancelled so since he was suppose to be there this week anyway he just stayed for the weekend. While he was away my mom and the kids and I took a quick weekend trip down to Victoria to see Meme and Papa and Aunt Judy to check and see how they are doing. Everyone down there looks really good and the kids loved the new apartment!! It was really nice to spend time with my grandparents and my aunt. We also got to spend a couple of hours with Steven and Candy on Sunday morning before we had to head back up to Dallas.

I have a bunch of photos to post too.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Better Late Than Never......

I found one of my camera cards from Christmas and finally uploaded the pics from it.

We have been crazy busy around here. Ryan was in Philadelphia this week and comes back home tonight. My mom came over last night for dinner and Wii bowling. I think I have her hooked on it. At the moment Ryan doesn't have any travel plans for next week but with the new position that could change at the drop of a hat.

Ryan's birthday is in a week and a half so I have been trying to figure out what to get him. He is so hard to buy for. I think I might have an idea in mind now I just need to work out all the kinks and make sure I can get it. The girls are doing well. Delaney got her report card and was very proud of herself and Grayson is enjoying a new teacher at preschool. Her new teacher, Mrs. Maria, just moved from Orlando too so we talk about that alot when I pick her up.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Emerson!

We had a great Christmas at home this year. Susu spent the night and when the kids woke up we opened all the presents under the tree. Santa even forgot a couple of things but with his special magic they magically appeared under the tree at 10 a.m.!! It is amazing how efficient Santa can be sometimes. Delaney's favorite gifts were her idog, rollerblades and new razor scooter! Grayson's favorite gifts were Bendaroos, Swim to me puppy, a bike and her princess lamp. Emmy's favorite gifts were her dancing baby doll and a dollhouse with furniture that is taller than she is.

Emerson had a great 3rd birthday as well. We picked up Nana (Diana) and came home to show her the house. We met Susu, Grandaddy and Granny Melissa at Chuck E. Cheese and played for 2 1/2 hours and it was the first time that I have ever been to Chuck E. Cheese and it HASN'T been crowded!! We came back to the house for cake and presents. Emmy requested a Star Wars Clone Wars birthday so I came up with a cake for that which was pretty good!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Delaney's choir concert

Delaney had her first choir concert last night at school. She was amazing!! The kids sang about 5 songs and really impressed the audience. She has a choir field trip today where they are going to a nursing home and singing for the elderly and then off to spend the rest of the time bowling. Emmy and Grayson really enjoyed hearing their sister sing and was impressed that she stood up on the stage to do it!