Friday, January 22, 2010

Better Late Than Never......

I found one of my camera cards from Christmas and finally uploaded the pics from it.

We have been crazy busy around here. Ryan was in Philadelphia this week and comes back home tonight. My mom came over last night for dinner and Wii bowling. I think I have her hooked on it. At the moment Ryan doesn't have any travel plans for next week but with the new position that could change at the drop of a hat.

Ryan's birthday is in a week and a half so I have been trying to figure out what to get him. He is so hard to buy for. I think I might have an idea in mind now I just need to work out all the kinks and make sure I can get it. The girls are doing well. Delaney got her report card and was very proud of herself and Grayson is enjoying a new teacher at preschool. Her new teacher, Mrs. Maria, just moved from Orlando too so we talk about that alot when I pick her up.

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