Monday, June 14, 2010

Summer is here!
The kids are out of school and summer is finally here. Grayson finished Preschool and is officially in Kindergarten while Delaney completed 4th grade and is now big man on campus as a 5th grader!

We finally got our HOA ID cards so we can use the pool and beach club! We took the kids to the beach club a couple of weeks ago and it was fabulous! The splash park is right next to the pool so we don't even have to get out of the pool when the kids go back and forth from the splash park area!!
Emerson had her first real sickness last week and has recovered. She had strep throat and a high fever that kept coming back when the motrin wore off. Her cough has pretty much subsided and she is back to her normal self! It was scary when the fever kept getting higher and higher and of course all of this happens on the weekend.
Grayson had a birthday and turned 5 years old too! She wanted a Princess and the Frog birthday party and a luau so we just combined both!! We had many friends over to celebrate with us!

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