Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring is here!!

Finally some warm weather has come our way. Ryan is in Boston this week so me and the girls are holding down the fort. Last week Delaney had a school dance and the theme was "Peace, Love and Bennett." Susu came and stayed with Emmy and Grayson while Ryan and I took Delaney out for some alone time with her at the dance! It was two hours long and I don't think we saw much of Delaney the whole time we were there. Dickey's catered hamburgers and chips with all the fixings and after that Delaney found her friends and danced the night away.
Delaney is loving ice skating lessons as well. Grayson really has an interest so maybe for her birthday she can have skating lessons too.
At Grayson's preschool they are having theme days every Wednesday until the start of summer.
Tomorrow's theme is space so I will have to come up with something for her to wear! With all the stuff around here that shouldn't be to hard to find!
Emmy is loving her new hair cut. We cut it short so she looks a little more balanced out!
Guess that is about all for now. We are looking forward to Easter this weekend and hunting for some Easter eggs.

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