Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Emerson!

We had a great Christmas at home this year. Susu spent the night and when the kids woke up we opened all the presents under the tree. Santa even forgot a couple of things but with his special magic they magically appeared under the tree at 10 a.m.!! It is amazing how efficient Santa can be sometimes. Delaney's favorite gifts were her idog, rollerblades and new razor scooter! Grayson's favorite gifts were Bendaroos, Swim to me puppy, a bike and her princess lamp. Emmy's favorite gifts were her dancing baby doll and a dollhouse with furniture that is taller than she is.

Emerson had a great 3rd birthday as well. We picked up Nana (Diana) and came home to show her the house. We met Susu, Grandaddy and Granny Melissa at Chuck E. Cheese and played for 2 1/2 hours and it was the first time that I have ever been to Chuck E. Cheese and it HASN'T been crowded!! We came back to the house for cake and presents. Emmy requested a Star Wars Clone Wars birthday so I came up with a cake for that which was pretty good!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Delaney's choir concert

Delaney had her first choir concert last night at school. She was amazing!! The kids sang about 5 songs and really impressed the audience. She has a choir field trip today where they are going to a nursing home and singing for the elderly and then off to spend the rest of the time bowling. Emmy and Grayson really enjoyed hearing their sister sing and was impressed that she stood up on the stage to do it!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Tuna Fish........

Grayson and Delaney were both at school this morning and Ryan asked what we wanted for lunch. Emmy said, "I want tuna fish daddy." Why she all of a sudden had this fascination with having to have tuna fish is beyond me but Ryan made some tuna fish and we sat down to eat and she opened her bread up and ate the tuna fish.

I picked Grayson up from preschool and Delaney had early release today at 12:45 so I then picked her up. It is really cold here today but the sun is out at least. Emmy is taking a nap while the other two are playing outside (all bundled up!!) with a couple of girls from down the street. I still have not done any Christmas shopping at all! Ryan and I are going to have to pick a day when someone can watch the kids so we can get it done. Last year was the last year that I could take Emmy with me to get gifts. And I still have to get Emerson's birthday gifts as well!!!

Monday, December 07, 2009

I have been a BAD blogger!!

I haven't updated this blog in so long but I am back!! I am going to try and be more diligent about updates on us and the girls.

WE are finally in our new home and love it so much! The kids seem to enjoy more space to themselves too. They each have their own room but still insist on sleeping all together in one bed! Maybe by the time they are sixteen they will move on to seperate beds but as long as they are close and comfortable then that makes me happy.

Delaney LOVES her new school and teachers. They have really helped her along and she has adapted very well with new friends. The boy next door, Zach, is in her class as well. She is in choir and even has her first choir concert tonight. She is so excited that we all, including grandparents, will be there to watch.

Grayson is in preschool as well. School really is her thing and she loves expanding her vocabulary. She only goes half days on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's and Emmy sure does miss her when she is gone. Wait until next year when Grayson and Delaney are in school all day! It will be time to start Emmy in preschool! Wow how the time flies and the kids grow!

We have the house all decorated for Christmas and hopefully the Christmas cards will arrive this week so I can get those sent out! The kids awoke to snow for the first time last week. Grayson had to make a snowball and was disappointed when she came home from school and the snow was all gone. It has been cold here but sure is nice when it is cold and Christmas time. I have had the fireplace going to keep my toes warm!