Thursday, July 16, 2009


I haven't posted anything in such a long time but I have a good excuse!!! We finally are selling our home in Florida and are able to move back to Texas!! When I was little I thought being a realtor would be really cool. I mean you get to look inside all these houses and being the nosy snoop I am that is quite inticing! WRONG, being a realtor is alot more work than just looking at houses!! I don't think you could pay me to be a realtor now! We spent a week looking around and see what we could afford and finally we found the perfect house for us. The best part is that it is move in ready. We love the paint in the whole house and the kids rooms are marvelous. The extra special touches are just an added bonus. The backyard is a bit smaller but we look at it as the kids are growing up fast and the need for some elaborate swing set just does not entice us anymore. It is a good yard for kicking the ball around and playing hide and go seek which is most likely what the kids play these days anyway. Now the real work begins. We go back to Florida next Tuesday (21st) and we have about a week to get everything else packed up. The moving company will be loading our stuff up on the 28th and as soon as it is loaded we will be heading out to Tallahassee for one last goodbye and spending the night there. The next day we will be making our next stop in Hattiesburg, Mississippi and then driving into town on the 30th. The homeowner's have until the 3rd to be out but we will sign our closing papers on the 31st of July. Next week is going to be a long but fast week! With all the things I have to cut off and change and pack it will be hectic! But the end result is something we have wanted for the past 2 1/2 years, selling our house in FL. We will miss friends very much but will open up a new chapter in our lives and be closer to family which is what I have missed for quite awile!