Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Summer vacation is finally here!

School is out and the kids are home! I have been busy trying to find creative things for them to do this summer and have run across a few. We did managed to try one idea today and it was fabulous. Over here at the movies they have summer movie camp on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. They replay older kid movies and for $3 a person you get the movie, drink and popcorn. As long as I give the kids their popcorn when the movie starts they seem to have something to look forward to. We saw Alvin and the Chipmunks today and I was surprised at how well Emerson did. Now I can put it on my list of summer activities! The best part is they also have this out in Dallas so can continue taking the girls when we are out there for summer vacation.

I got a new cabinet for the toys in Emerson's room

Delaney starts the new session of gymnastics this afternoon and is looking forward to it. We took Grayson out for summer session since Delaney actually won a free summer session and we were going to be gone for half of it anyway! Grayson will start back up the end of August when school starts.

We are super excited that we have Nana coming this Thursday and she is staying until Sunday. The girls have not seen her in quite awhile so it will be a nice treat. I think Ryan is going to try and grill out while they are here so it should make our week go by a little faster.

So next week (June 15) Grayson starts swim lessons and is really looking forward to them. She goes Monday thru Thursday from 6-6:45 for mommy and me classes. It is the same place Delaney took swim lessons when she was 5 and is only $35 for the eight classes!! I wanted her to take swim lessons this year since we will be in my mom's pool on vacation. They didn't have any classes for Emmy so she can take them next year.

My mom also arrives late next Friday night. The kids are so anxious to see her since her prior trip was cancelled due to her kidney stone! Now that we have that one out of the way we are planning on spending some really fun time with her and then a couple weeks after she leaves we will be out there to visit her and Granny Melissa and Grandaddy!