Monday, April 21, 2008


It has been a crazy couple of weeks around here and it only seems like it is going to get busier! We went to Tallahassee a couple of weeks ago for the FSU spring football game. It was very fun since it was a night game and we didn't have to bake in the heat!! Emmy loved listening and dancing to the band, Grayson enjoyed watching the horse and Laney loved the cheerleaders!

Yesterday Hope and I decided that we would scrapbook and have the day to ourselves! Angel and Sydeana made it over too and we chit chatted the afternoon away and I actually got some scrapbook pages accomplished! We came back over to our house and the daddy's had dinner and dessert going! Our annual Cinco de Mayo party is coming up and Ryan tried out one of his new recipes (which is a big hit!!) and I think Hope may of found a new dessert recipe as well!!

Delaney had her soccer game on Saturday and I got my haircut too! I really need to get the girls in for haircuts but it seems like I always run out of time! I am trying to coordinate our summer trip out to Dallas but I am waiting for a sale or prices to come down a bit! Ryan will be traveling to Dallas next week and then comes home for the weekend and then heads down to the Orlando Convention Center for a few days for work!! So we won't see very much of him after this week! Delaney gets out of school June 6 so she is excited to go see her grandparents and most of all SWIM!!!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Since Delaney has been off from school this week for spring break we have been busy doing some fun things together! Yesterday we met up with Bella and Nick at the Splash Park here in Lake Mary! Now I have to tell you this is the best place!! Not only is the Splash part of the park enclosed with a child safety gate but there is also a playground and a nice covered picnic area!! The best part is that right now since it is brand new it is FREE!! Now I am sure there will someday be a charge but hey just to get their energy out is worth it! Today we went to the store and then decided to take Ryan some lunch, ala Chick Fil A!! We came home and ate our lunch and then we made some chocolate chip cookies from scratch! The kids had a great time and Grayson has sugar everywhere but you can't expect a clean kitchen when you are making cookies with three kids! So I got the cookies in the oven and then managed to clean the kitchen up! Delaney has soccer practice tonight so as long as the storms hold off that is where she will be off to! Ryan is back from Vancouver and I will post some of the pictures he took there as well! He met up with Dave Cartwright while in Vancouver and they enjoyed a nice chilly day together seeing some of the sites and I am sure that meant endulging in a beer or two also!

Isabella and Nicholas enjoying the Splash Park!!

Also in big news, I have taken the diapers away from Grayson. When she asked me for a diaper a couple of weeks ago it was then and there that I decided that when Ryan went out of town last week the diapers were going too! So she has been in panties ever since! No accidents at night and only a few during the day when she gets too preoccupied playing! What a big girl she is now! I was determined that she would be in panties by the time she was three! One more check off my list!

Here are a few pictures Ryan took in Vancouver last week!

Here is Dave Cartwright posing nicely for a picture!!! Thanks Dave!