Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The girls enjoyed the majority of their summer in Dallas visiting grandparents! They had a blast playing in the pool, eating out and doing a little shopping! When we came home it was time for Delaney to head back to school, I mean first grade was a big deal this year! Delaney is back in gymnastics, playing a little soccer starting in September and has also decided to take on the challenge of the violin! She is very excited about the violin, Ryan and I just need some ear muffs now! The best part is to watch her practice the violin while Grayson stands and dances around clapping at her! Also in the news that most people already know is that we are having another baby, and of course like the other two it is a girl. See what I have come up with is that we just don't make boys!! But of well at least we have beautiful girls we will just have a dramatic household in the next 15 years!! We are officially halfway through with the pregnancy with my due date January 9, 2007! She weighs about 1/2 pound right now and has all of her fingers and toes. She is moving around lots just like the other girls did. Hopefully I can get the sonograms scanned in and up on the website soon.