Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Beginning of Summer for Delaney and Grayson!

Well it is that time of year again as the days get longer and hotter! Delaney had some birthday money and spent it on a pool and floatie! Both Delaney and Grayson had a blast in the pool! Grasyon wasn't too sure at first since the water wasn't as warm as her bath water but soon got used to the idea! She and Delaney played for awhile before the sun went behind the clouds and the water got too cold to stay in!

Delaney also had a Reading Celebration at school. In kindergarten she had to read at least 75 pre-approved books in order to be included in the celebration. She met her goal through the school year and was recognized along with 6 other kids from her class. The celebration was held at Lake Mary High School. She was awarded by Mr. Nathan, the principal and received a trophy, bookmark, book, free kids meal at Bennigan's and a t-shirt. We were so proud of her that we went out and bought her a brand new dress that she now wants to wear everyday!

We spent one Sunday at Islands of Adventure theme park, just Delaney and mommy! We met up with Hope, Tim, Isabella and Nicholas and we had a marvelous time! We ate lunch at Margaritaville and the kids had a ball at Dr. Seuss Land! All the rides there are created for the kids and we rode most of them many times throughout the day! We also got to ride on Popeye's boat and the girls had a fun time running around pretending to be the captain! Delaney and Bella also rode a roller coaster that was just their size! Of course the mommy's couldn't resist riding with them and I think Hope and I had jus as much fun as the girls!

That is about all for now! We are getting ready for Grayson' first birthday party and Delaney moving on to first grade! The summer is here and we are ready for our annual vacation to Dallas!