Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Our Trip to Tallahassee

We left last Friday for Tallahassee and spent a nice long weekend away from home. Besided visiting family we also got to go to the Florida State University Spring Football game. This is where the football players get on the field and play a pretend game, offense versus defense. We were not sure if we were going to be able to attend due to weather but we stuck it out and only got rained on a couple of times! Ryan was nice enough and bought each one of us a FSU rain poncho so after it drizzled it felt like you were under a sauna!! That Saturday morning we had a birthday breakfast for Ryan's grandmother, MaBunny. Papa finished building the garden in the front yard so we grilled eggs and pancakes on the grill and had other yummy goodies to eat in the front yard! It was such a great time. Aunt Vicki, Uncle Dave, Kami, Katie, Aunt Linda, Uncle Bob, Nana(Diana) and Uncle Alan all got to join in the celebration. After we ate breakfast the kids played frisbee and soccer in the front yard to get some energy out!

I think Grayson also has her first boyfriend! Nicholas comes over every Thursday night for Survivor and as he was sitting in the bouncy chair Grayson strolls up to him. Now I am sure at some point she was going to grab for his head as she usually does but this time instead of doing that first she petted him and gave him a kiss!

Last but not least I got a great picture of Grayson in the bath tub which I have to share! Her hair is really long now so we get to play with it in the the tub when we wash it! She doesn't seem to mind yet and we get a good laugh out of it!

So I hope you have enjoyed the pictures and everything we have done in the past couple of weeks and I will keep you posted if anything new and exciting sparks up!