Monday, January 23, 2006

Spring Break 2006 for Delaney and Grayson

Well me and the girls are back from Spring Break in Dallas!

Delaney was the best flower girl I have ever seen! She was so excited to drop purple colored rose petals down the aisle! After the wedding in Houston we drove to Victoria, Texas and spent time with my aunt and grandparents! It was so nice to be able to spend some time with them while the girls are still so small.

The rest of spring break was spent in Dallas, Texas. The girls and I spent lots of time with both my mom and Granny Melissa, Grandaddy and Aunt Rachael. We always have a great time eating out, shopping and playing with the girls. I also got to spend some time with my best friend out there, Brian and his new little bundle of joy, Samantha! She is so adorable and looks exactly like her daddy! His step daughter Kaitlyn and Delaney got to play while Brian and I caught up with each other's busy lives while introducing Grayson and Samantha!

Spring Break 2006

Also on this trip I got some really good pictures of Grandaddy and Grayson and Granny Melissa and Delaney! Here is a group photo that we took one night out for dinner at Mac's Bar and Grille!

The best story I have from spring break is actually from the wedding! As Laney is standing up at the altar next to the bride Grayson is "talking" in the background when low and behold Delaney turns around and quietly says, "Shhhh Grayson be quiet!!" Grayson got a smile on her face and the ceremony went on without a hitch!

So all in all we had a great time during Spring Break. Lots of pictures were taken and many memories were made! And of course hopefully one of these days all the pictures will make it into one of the girls scrapbooks!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Grayson has now learned how to crawl and pull herself up onto everything she can find! Also she has figured out how to make the sound "d" and "b" so she crawls around saying ddddd or bbbbb! Ryan is just waiting for her to say dada. Oh well! Delaney said mama first so I guess I can give him this one!